The American gazetteer,
exhibiting, in alphabetical order, a much more full and accurate account, than has been given, of the states, provinces, counties, cities, towns, villages, rivers, bays, harbours, gulfs, sounds, capes, mountains, forts, Indian tribes, & new discoveries, on the American continent, also of the West-India Islands, and other islands appendant to the continent, and those newly discovered in the Pacific Ocean : describing the extent, boundaries, population, government, productions, commerce, manufactures, curiosities, &c. of the several countries, and of their important civil divisions and the longitude and latitude, the bearings and distances, from noted places, of the cities, towns, and villages, with a particular description of the Georgia Western Territory. The whole comprising upwards of seven thousand distinct articles.
Collected and compiled from the best authorities, and arranged with great care, by, and under the direction of, Jedidiah Morse, D.D. Author of the American universal geography--Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences--and member of the Masssachusetts Historical Society. Illustrated with seven new and neat maps. Published according to act of Congress



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