Inspection and quality control in manufacturing systems :
presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Phoenix, Arizona, November 14-19, 1982 /
sponsored by the Production Engineering Division, ASME ; edited by W.R. De Vries, D.A. Dornfeld.
APA Citation
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Winter Annual Meeting (1982 : Phoenix, A., Dornfeld, D. A., DeVries, W. R. (Warren Richard)., American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Production Engineering Division. (1982). Inspection and quality control in manufacturing systems: presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Phoenix, Arizona, November 14-19, 1982. New York, N.Y. (345 E. 47th St., New York 10017): ASME.
MLA Citation
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Winter Annual Meeting (1982 : Phoenix, Ariz.), D. A Dornfeld, W. R. (Warren Richard) DeVries, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Production Engineering Division. Inspection And Quality Control In Manufacturing Systems: Presented At the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Phoenix, Arizona, November 14-19, 1982. New York, N.Y. (345 E. 47th St., New York 10017): ASME, 1982.