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Lime's photograph / Leif Davidsen ; translated from the Danish by Gaye Kynoch.

Photographs / by David Hockney ; introduction by Mark Haworth-Booth ; essay by David Hockney ; organized and circulated by the International Exhibitions Foundation, Washington,...

Photographs / Sante D'Orazio ; [Übersetzung, Uta Hoffmann ; redaktion, Doris Truppe].

Photographs. Foreword: Muriel Rukeyser. Introd.: David Vestal.

Photographs / Paul Himmel ; introduction by Martin Harrison ; art direction by Lillian Bassman.

Photographs / Berenice Abbott ; foreword, Muriel Rukeyser ; introduction, David Vestal.

Photographs. With introductions by Lincoln Kirstein [and] Beaumont Newhall.

Photographs. Introductory essay by Marjorie Morris.

Photographs / by L. G. Saunders; a memorial [exhibition], Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon; [catalogue, prepared by John Climer.

Photographs / Introduction by Nancy Newhall. Exhibition dates: 27 January- 20 March 1966, Amon Carter Museum, Forth Worth.

The colonel's photograph. Translated by Jean Stewart, with the exception of The stroller in the air, translated by John Russell.

What is a photograph? / Carol Squiers ; with essays by Geoffrey Batchen, George Baker, and Hito Steyerl.

Care of historical photographs / prepared by Mary Bennett and Loren N. Horton.

The girl in the photograph / Lygia Fagundes Telles ; translated from the Portuguese by Margaret A. Neves.

American photographs. By Jane M. E. Turnbull and Marion Turnbull.

The photographs. Translated from the Greek by Mike Edwards.

Fantastic photographs / text by Attilio Colombo ; adapted by Carole Naggar ; photos. selected by Lorenzo Merlo and Claude Nori ; translated from the French by Lydia Davis

American photographs / Walker Evans ; with an essay by Lincoln Kirstein.

American photographs / Walker Evans ; with an essay by Lincoln Kirstein.

Fashion photographs / William Wegman ; texts by William Wegman and Ingrid Sischy

Norway; photographs [by] Arielli, introd. by André Siegfried, text by Odd Hölaas.

The Artist and the photograph / [exhibition curator, Anatxu Zabalbeascoa]; [Joan Fontcuberta, curator of the exhibition cycle]

Classified geological photographs,

Van de Graaf photographs / Los Alamos Laboratory.