Monthly catalog of United States Government publications /
issued by the Superintendent of Documents.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O., 1951-
- Note
One issue per year, 1977 (no. 988)-1984 (no. 1074), 2001 (no. 1294)- has title: Serials supplement; one issue per year, 1985-1991, has title: Periodicals supplement; one issue each year, 1992-2000, has title: Periodicals supplement for ... (varies slightly)
Feb. issue includes Appendix entitled Directory of United States Government periodicals and subscription publications; Sept. issue includes a list of regional depository libraries; June and Dec. issues include semiannual index.
Also available on CD-ROM with title: Monthly catalog of United States government publications (CD-ROM); and on CD-ROM with title: Marcive GPO CAT/PAC; also available via Internet.
Vols. for Jan. 1951-19 , Jan. 1985- issued by: Superintendent of Documents; -Dec. 1984 issued by: Information Dissemination/Superintendent of Documents; Cataloging Branch, Library Division, Library Programs Service, Superindentent of Documents.
- Physical Description
v. ;
23-26 cm.