the country and its inhabitants /
by F. Grenard, translated by A. Teixeira de Mattos.
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Hutchinson & co., 1904.
- Note
"By a decree dated 23 July 1890, the Minister of public instruction entrusted Dutreuil de Rhins ... with a scientific mission to Upper Asia, the expenses of which were to be borne in part by the Ministry and in part by the Academy of inscriptions and letters."
"A partial reprint of a work entitled 'A scientific mission to upper Asia' (Paris, Leroux, 3 vols. 4to. and an atlas fol.) which I published in l897-l898 under the auspices of the Ministry of public instruction."--Pref.
- Physical Description
2 p. l., [iii]-viii, 373, [1] p. ;
23 cm